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GTR1 Universe Builder

 Universe Name: (Optional)
 Universe Start Universe End
 Default by Union  (Use the earliest starting date among all screens.)
 Default by Intersection  (Use the latest starting date among all screens.)
  (Enter a market date in yyyymmdd format.)
 Default by Union  (Use the latest ending date among all screens.)
 Default by Intersection  (Use the earliest ending date among all screens.)
  (Enter a market date in yyyymmdd format.)
 Retrospective Limit:  market days.  (Enter the number of market days back to support for technical analysis in backtests.)
 Friction (Default): %.  (Applied to screens without friction specified in their URLs.)
  • Add investments to the universe by entering screen URLs below.
  • Screen URLs may come from any backtests (within any user-defined universes), blends or benchmark reports on Yahoo! Finance ticker symbols.
  • To add Cash as a screenable investment, simply enter "Cash" (capitalized exactly as shown to distinguish it from ticker symbol CASH).
  • A separate investment will be added to the universe for each cycle of each screen.
  • Any start or end dates specified in a URL limit the range during which the associated investments are screenable and open for purchase in backtests.
  • Except for Cash, friction values specified in a URL (or the default friction specified above otherwise) affect both the investments' historical returns
    for technical analysis and the sale of the investments in backtests.
Screen URLs [more]
Template URL (Optional)
Passwords:   (Separate all passwords by spaces.)
Command line-only options:   (E.g., code=...)